
In the following pages you will find a net adaptation of the Vomitor journal. This representation form is experimental and tries to be as similar to the original as possible. The contents are inserted without respecting any right of copy and without the aknowledgement of the authors. So if you don't want to become pursuivable by law, don't access to the following, or wait some 100 years until the authors will have disappeared loosing the copyrights on their writings. To get the right to read Vomitor, the only way known up to now is to buy a copy from some member of the C.S. for little more than 1 Euro. Note anyhow that no responsibility is taken for any sort of damage consequent to any sort of usage of the presented contents. We'd be glad to receive comments into our mailbox. (Please don't take this paragraph to seriously)


Why publish Vomitor on the Net?

There are several motivations to do this. In the first line are the targets of reaching a wider publicum, stimulate the lecture of this mag and especially to facilitate the comunication with the authors, since it's absolutely easy to send us an e-mail. Here's just a small list of other arguments:

    X Internet is the biggest quite free medium existing nowadays. It can be accessed from any part of the world. For example ex-students of our School could so get access to Vomitor, or pupils of other schools, or our own students from the bibliotheque, after school, etc.

    X The possibilities of this medium are much wider and grow the attraction of the journal (just for example: colour-images!) Especially such young pupils of our school, that pass their time navigating in the net, or anyhow are attracted by this medium should be interested. The potential publicum will grow.

    X A bigger interactivity: Vomitor could make inquiries beyond the publicum, simply adding some checkboxes below the article (like: did you like this article), or giving the possibility to easily give a comment to the treated argument, etc. The journal could be nearer to it's readers...

    X An e-mailbox can be an efficient comunication way - not just to the authors of the journal, but for the C.S. too. You can rapidly send some line from the terminal in the library, having a guaranteed anonimity. Someone could prefer this way to the paperletters into the yellow box.

    X The net publication costs less.

    X The Vomitor website contains an archive of ancient Vomitor editions, a memory for the successors. By a search engine a reader can rapidly search texts on specific arguments, made by certain authors, etc.

    X etc.

If you have some other argument send it:

Note: If this don't works, use the Mail form inside this Site instead!

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